Published on 29.12.2016
On December 13, 2016 Aksakovo held a final press conference to present the results against the project "Support for equal life" Procedure for granting financial aid: Measure 1 - "Support services for victims of domestic violence and violence based on sexual sign "program BG 12" domestic violence and violence based on sex 'within the NFM 2009-2014. Project Manager said that they continue to work on achieving the project goal: to support the personal and social realization to victims of domestic violence and violence based on gender. Crisis center was established and inaugurated on 12.04.2016, the Crisis Center for persons / women, parents and children / victims of domestic violence in the city. Ignatievo capacity 8 user. Help and support for the period from launch of the Crisis Center so far found 10 persons, women and children victims of domestic violence n.
Secretary of the municipality - Ms. Jasmine Simeonova summarized the activities of the project: repairs of the building where the center is located in the town. Ignatievo. Were fully furnished and equipped premises for the provision of "Crisis Center" - 2 bedrooms, rooms for group and individual therapy offices, bathrooms. Funding for the project through grants from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism can continue to 30/04/2017, the latest. The municipality has applied for funding as delegated by the state, bp. Members of the Crisis Center can be persons throughout the country.